Category: Health and Fitness

Easy Weight Loss Tips for Summer

Summer is the perfect time to get fit and lose weight. The days are longer, the weather is beautiful and fresh produce is bountiful. This translates to more time to schedule your exercise, especially outdoors and you can easily fill on on fresh fruits and veggies instead of the usual choices. Follow these simple tips to take advantage of the summer season and help you look great this summer.

The Best Time of Day to Exercise

Summer affords you more daylight both morning and evening which means more time to workout. This is a common question personal trainers get from clients. The answer is not black and white and lies with the client not the trainer. A good trainer will find out what time of day works best for you and when you have the most energy to put into your workout. Consider what time of day you feel the best and are more apt to comply to an exercise program. Research suggests morning exercises have great adherence and this could be because no matter what happens the rest of the day, they already got a good workout in. However, this doesn’t mean that an after work bike ride or hike isn’t beneficial. The key to losing weight is burning calories so regardless of when you workout use the additional day light hours to speed up your weight loss by burning more calories. With simple and easy steps, the purchase of the resurge pills is practical and beneficial. The burning of the calories should be there with the consumption of the pills. The weight loss is effective and meets with the requirements and specifications. The speed should be high in reducing the excessive weight.

Use Summer Weather to Get Out of Your Slump

Many people are consistent about going to the gym to workout, but never change their routine. Use the summer weather to bust out of your workout slump and try something new outdoors. By changing your workout routine your body has to become stronger and become accustom to the new activity. This can increase your cardiovascular condition and improve muscular strength. Both of these will increase your metabolism and speed weight loss. Contact your local rec center and join a hiking club or get your bike tuned up and use local bike trails to tone your legs. You can also find a 5K runs in your area and train to do one a month all summer. Focus on improving your time at each race and watch the numbers on the scale drop. Go to Runner’s World for easy training plans for all abilities.

Back to the Basics Foods for Weight Loss

Farmer’s Markets are becoming increasingly popular. These markets will have fresh local produce that will tempt your taste buds with pure flavors. Take advantage of the fresh produce to stock up each week on healthy snacks and use them to create fresh healthy meals. Sunset Magazine on-line has great recipes to use with your yummy market foods. A common weight loss strategy for weight loss is to prepare and plan meals ahead of time. Having fresh foods on hand will force you to plan how to use them and encourage you to eat the juicy fresh fruits. By the end of summer you could conceivably increased your fruit and vegetable intake and developed better life-long eating habits.

Putting it All Together for Life

Summer does make it easier to lose weight and improve your fitness, but don’t let the feeling of summer fade at Labor Day. Making time to exercise, changing your fitness routine and eating wholesome foods are habits you can continue through out the year. This way by next summer you will have new fitness goals that you want to achieve and won’t have lost any ground over the winter.

Why I Failed at Losing Weight with Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers is a perfectly healthy way to lose weight and learn to eat regular food in proper proportions. My problem is that the more I focus on food, the less successful I am. Each time I have joined Weight Watchers, no less than three, although I cannot remember if there are more times, I have started out great. Usually dropping 10 or 20 pounds in the first month or two. About that time is when I actually start going to meetings, then that is when things start going downhill for me.

The meetings that I have gone to in three different cities and two states have not lived up to my expectations. Rather than teach me how to eat the most nutritious foods within the current system of the day, be it “points” or “exchanges” or something else, there was always a long discussion on how to eat the most crap for the least calories. Never mind that the recipes consisted of fake foods, chemical additives, and worst of all fake sugars, they were encouraged as practically “free” in terms of not hindering weight loss. Never mind that these concoctions tasted horrendous, and never mind the obvious fact that they were not good for me. The point was, you can eat them and still lose weight.

Before long I would find myself in my kitchen inventing as many creations of fake food that I could “enjoy” within my daily allotment and not gain weight. I would go to the meetings and excitedly share my new concoctions with a willing audience and our only celebrations were when the scale showed a minus even though we bragged about eating and entire fake key lime pie. No one discussed much about nutrition, or health, the only thing that mattered was the number on the scale.

Slowly but surely the numbers on the scale would stop going down until the fateful day, usually the last day I went to a particular meeting, the scale would inch up. I knew why it was going up. I was eating. Eating everything and anything that was classified as real food. Real food full of fat, butter, and well, actual food. I would over eat in ways that I had not done before trying to diet with Weight Watchers. Recipes of fake key lime pie would lead me to eating my mom’s real recipe of key lime pie because the flavor of the fake key lime pie was so unsatisfying that I had to then eat the real thing just to make sure the real one wasn’t that awful. The end result, each time I attempted Weight Watchers was an additional 10 or 20 pounds over where I started.

Through exercises, when a person will fail to get the reduction in weight then the purchase of resurge pills is effective. The selection of the reputed and licensed sites should be done to buy the pills. The dose of the pills should be taken after checking a side-effect on the body of the person.

I still believe that it is I who failed Weight Watchers and not Weight Watchers who failed me. I can’t help it. I like real food. I hate fake sugar, it gives me a headache. I hate fake fat, it has no relationship to the real fat in food, and only makes me want more of the real thing. I like real food and while I am sure that Weight Watchers headquarters wants to teach healthy eating habits, but the truth is, if you put a room full of fat people together they are going to talk about one thing, food, and how to eat more of it.

Five Quick Tips for Fast Weight Loss

These quick tips will help you achieve the weight loss goals that you desire. Unlike a lot of fad diets, these are common sense approaches to fast weight loss while maintaining optimal health.

One: Drink Ice Water

Not only is drinking water very important for overall health, it is especially important when you are involved in a weight loss regimen. Increased water consumption will help your body rid itself of waste products made through burning off your body fat. It will also help the kidneys and liver process the fat out of the blood stream more efficiently.

Making your water icy cold will actually increase your metabolism slightly. Your body will have to burn more calories in order to warm back up after ingesting very cold fluids. Leptitox Review Exposes Weight Loss Supplement 2020 for the benefit of the customers. The following of the tips for the consumption of the pills will offer effective results. A survey can be done at online search engine to know about the products for weight loss. 

Two: Eat Spicy or Peppery Foods

Spicy or peppery foods have been shown to increase metabolism in some studies. They help through a process called thermogenesis, which has to do with increased heat in your body. Not only will they rev up your metabolism and assist in weight loss that way, spicy or hot foods will also dull cravings effectively.

Three: Eat Less Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates cause cravings. They rapidly increase your blood sugar levels. These raised blood sugar levels will fall rather rapidly too as the carbohydrates are metabolized. You will want to eat more food sooner than you would if you focused on eating lean protein and healthy fats such as Omega 3.

Four: Rev Up Your Metabolism in the Morning

Setting your metabolism first thing in the morning is a great idea for increased weight loss. You should definitely eat some breakfast to fuel your body in the morning. Exercising in the morning is a great idea too. It has been shown that the effects of exercise on the metabolism linger an hour or more after you stop exercising.

Five: Practice Safe Snacking

If you are prone to the munchies, a great idea for weight loss is to provide yourself with safe snacks. When you want to have a snack, you will not want to wash, cut up, and prepare a vegetable or fruit. Take the time at the beginning of the week to make a big bag of ready-to-eat vegetable and fruit slices. Also, you can assist your weight loss journey by packaging 100-calorie bags of snacks on your shelves. This will help prevent over-eating.

If you follow these five quick tips for fast weight loss, you should be able to easily drop pounds and regain your good health. All of these methods for increasing your metabolism and burning more calories are healthy for you even if you are not trying to lose weight.