Did you and your family just adopt a new dog or thinking about adopting a new dog? If so then here are some tips you should know before bring home your new dog to make him feel the most comfortable when he arrives to his new and loving home!
First thing, make sure you have bought everything necessary to simply take care of your new dog. Your going to need a food and water dish, and maybe a dog placemat to catch all this little spills. Your also going to need a leach, a collar, a name tag with your family’s hone number, and of course, everyone’s favorite, the pooper scooper! Buying a few new special toys may also help comfort you new dog at his new home with his new family. He is also is going to need a place to sleep. Even if you plan on letting him eventually roam from room to room and letting him sleep where he feels that most comfortable, he will take comfort if you teach him one specific place that is “his spot” so he knows exactly what you want for now. Almost all dogs thrive on knowing what their owner want from them and where the boundaries are. That way they know exactly what is expected of them and they will know how to please their master. Now, although you certainly can go out and buy a dog bed, a clean warm blanket will also work just as well as a dog bed.
Make sure before bringing your new dog home you have set boundaries around the yard where he will be allowed to play and go to the bathroom. Then when you bring home your new dog hook him up to his leach, hold him close (within just a few feet of yourself) and walk him around the boundaries of the yard a few times. Do this at least twice a day for the first couple of weeks to help him learn where his outside territory is. Of course, you may want to set up boundaries for inside as well. This is usually best done by just keeping “off limits” room doors closed. What about your furniture? Will your dog be allowed to sit and sleep on the couches or will that be off limits? A good way to train new dogs that couches and chairs are off limits is, of course not letting them jump up on them in front of you, but what about when you are gone? How can you be sure they stay off then? One handy way to make sure they stay off is to buy office chair plastic carpets (you know, the ones with the little plastic “spikes” to keep the plastic carpet attached to the carpeted floor) and turn those upside down and lay them flat on the furniture. That makes it uncomfortable enough that your new puppy dog will want no part in sitting on them, without hurting him. Just make sure everyone is clear on theses boundaries before bringing home the new addition to the family. That way there will be no confusion for anyone when the new dog is brought home.
No table Scraps! Of course, this is a rule ultimately left to the master(s) of the household; but just remember that even if you do it just a few times in the beginning your dog will always try for more scraps from everyone with food all the time, including visitors. Although you can eventually train this behavior out of them it can be very difficult and take a long time so it’s best not to even start. Most importantly, dogs have different digestive systems than humans do so they don’t respond to food in the same way that we do. What does us good can do them harm so it’s best to not even take that chance.
Decide before bringing home your dog who is going to be the main trainer. Meaning that although everyone should enforce good behavior, there should be only one or at most, two people doing the actual trick and command training. Anymore than two people and it can get too confusing because people naturally have different ways of talking and enforcing, you don’t want to confuse your dog when trying to train him. You don’t have to worry because there are several online content where you can get helpful tips on how to train your dog properly. You just have to choose a reliable sources. To help you out, you can browse around this website.
Now there are many different things to talk about and prepare before bringing home a new addition to any family, hopefully theses tips have helped. Now, if I can leave you the one most important tip before bringing home your new dog, be ready with lots and lots of love! Believe me, you will be getting more back than you can imagine!