
Tips for Getting Your Dog to Potty Quickly

I know getting your dog to go potty outside is challenging enough at times, but getting them to go potty quickly is a blessing in the cold or wet weather. I know that when I finally got my dog to go potty outside I would be outside typically for ten to fifteen minutes at a time when I took him out. I know that I would always come back in from the cold weather in winter or rainy weather during the summer thunderstorms either soaking wet or froze to the bone. I did find a couple of ways to finally get my dog to go potty quickly outside though without freezing to death or coming in looking like a drowned rat. This article is all about the tips that you can get follow to get your pet potty trained in a lightning-fast way.

The first tip that I have is after you know for sure that your dog is potty trained that you can take them out and encourage them to go potty quickly. I know if your dog is anything like mine they have a favorite spot for peeing and going poop. I know that if I walk my dog to the pee area if I think that is what he has to do first he typically will go pee within seconds of reaching that area. The same goes for getting my dog to go poop quickly as well.

The second tip that I have is if you do manage to get your dog to go potty faster than normal outside you will not want to waste as much time outside. Some dogs will like to go potty really quick then stall outside by acting like they have to go again. I know that one of my dogs does this and he will stop and sniff every few seconds then act like he is going pee again to throw me for a loop. However, he doesn’t do anything else. So you will want to try to bring your dog in as quickly as possible after making sure they are done going potty.

The third tip is that if your dog does go potty quickly when you tell them to you will want to reward that with a treat. I know that it sounds pretty straight forward, but some people will forget to give your dog a treat. I know that when I started rewarding my dog more often for going potty quickly he would keep in that habit, but if I slacked off or forgot to give him a treat the next time he would take a little bit longer.

Getting your dog to go potty quickly outside is not that difficult to do. The hard part is first getting them potty trained and figuring out where the certain potty areas are that your dog uses. While all of these tips helped me get my dog to go potty quickly I am sure you will find some additional ones to add as well that help you get your dog to go potty quickly outside so you no longer come in as a popsicle or drowned rat.