My New Year’s resolution for 2009, is to finally achieve some success in my online marketing campaigns. I’ve been learning the tricks of the trade for about 6 months now, and I’m ready for success in 2009.
Let me explain:
About a year ago, I decided that I wanted to be a webmaster as soon as I could possibly become one. You see, I’ve been a student with the Art Institute of Pittsburgh for a year and a half now, studying Interactive Media Design. Along the way, after learning a little HTML, I decided that I liked the idea of building, updating, and designing websites in general. Then, after I felt confident that I new a little more than your average Joe, I decided I was ready to start targeting my work to make sales. I was tired of working for other people, and I decided my New Year’s resolution for 2009 would be to achieve online success. I have 5 different key areas I need to work on to get there.
Discipline-I feel that discipline is may be what I am slightly lacking to achieve my goals. Without discipline, one can hardly accomplish general goals, not to talk of a life changing one like mine. It’s pretty simple. I must do what I plan on doing every day, no matter how tiring or bothersome it might seem. After all, it’s worth it, since it will lead to success. No more playtime until all the work for the day is accomplished. In 2009, meeting my resolution will take carefully cultivating more discipline in me.
Organize-Even the most simple of chores and goals are hard to accomplish without a good deal of organization. I’ve discovered that, with a little organization, some of the seemingly hardest tasks in life can be accomplished very quickly. Without organization, one can run about in circles forever and never get anything done!
Follow Through-I have had a problem following through with ideas that might pop into my head. I know it’s a good idea, and it can work. It’s just that, if you’re not serious or determined, some ideas lead to nothing unless one is willing to work hard on them. Follow through is the key because it sets things in motion. In 2009, my resolution for success will be greatly spurred on by more follow-throughs on my part.
Health-I can’t tell you how many times I have felt so much better just from exercise and a healthy meal. It clears the mind, and provides back up energy you never knew you had. Sometimes it’s easy to remember to have a salad with those baby back ribs! No more in 2009! Exercise schedules and good eating habits are very important to keeping a clear head and achieving success in whatever field.
Adequate Rest- Last, but not least, is rest. I’m talking about real rejuvenating rest, here. So many times, I have jumped out of bed and started with my busy day, when I knew I could lay out a little longer. I’m not saying I’ll lie around in bed all day; I’ll just make sure I get good quality sleep. I have a lot of work to do to keep my 2009 New Year’s Resolution to achieve online success. I think that writing and submitting this article is a step in the right direction.