
Planning Of Natural Bodybuilding Supplements – How to plan?

Body Building Info-Certain drugs, but not supplements are exempt in natural body building. In fact a good program of supplementation is something that can be perfectly fired earnings from any natural bodybuilder to the absolute limits.

There are different types of steroids for bodybuilding available in the market. The choosing of the right one will require some skills and intelligence of the people. The results are perfect without any side-effect on the health. You need to collect complete information for it to have the desired results.

Then as you can expect we will give you a small planning of supplements that you can follow if you want to maximize your earnings as natural bodybuilders.

Plan supplements for natural bodybuilders

Consists of the following elements, all supplements that will be listed can be purchased at a local store or shop online without any problem and are not expensive.


As you know I am a big fan of creatine, without going into too much detail, this helps us to improve our endurance, strength, power, filled with water to our muscles (by what will be larger) and also helps to make the muscle cells capture more nutrients, so it creates a perfect anabolic environment for muscle mass gain.

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Carbohydrate with a molecular composition very similar to glucose, by going directly to our muscles, creates a large peak of insulin and thereby consistent anabolism, pretty good to recharge our muscles of glycogen and help us recover better between sessions of training. It also improves the uptake of creatine.

Isolated whey protein

Whey protein is the highest in acids BCAA, Leucine, so the best thing is to activate the process of MPS (muscle protein synthesis or synthesis of muscle protein), are required of 0.05 to 0.06 grams of Leucine per kilogram of clean weight to maximize this protein synthesis.

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Simply by reading the point earlier enough, also the Leucine is an amino acid very insulinogenico, so it is very good for after training.


Comes from the acronym D-aspartic acid, is an amino acid found in the pituitary gland, which increases the synthesis of gonadotropins, and therefore the hormones secreted by our gonads, more than anything the luteinizing hormone LH, which stimulates the production of testosterone.


Diindolylmethane, chemical found in vegetables, cruciferous and how detoxifying acting liver and certain chemical compounds known as Xenoestrogens, which act as disruptors of the endocrine system, increasing the levels of female hormones and decreasing levels of male hormones.


Hormone produced by the adrenal glands and that through some routes you can convert into testosterone, but also in estrogen, the DIIM decreases this conversion to estrogen. In addition is anabolic in itself, but it has an affinity for the androgen receptor 40 times less testosterone, but nonetheless remains quite useful since it also helps to reduce the levels of cortical, the stress hormone and improves the conversion of T4 to T3, so it improves our metabolism.