The Sugar Buster Diet for Weight Loss
The main idea behind the Sugar Buster’s Diet is that sugar produces insulin in your body. Insulin keeps people from losing excess weight. This is why a lot of sugar in your daily diet will keep you from losing weight. On The Sugar Buster’s Diet, you are taught to eat about thirty percent protein, thirty percent carbohydrates and forty percent fat. This diet is meant to last for fourteen days and should produce successful weight loss. One main difference that sets this diet apart from other diets is that The Sugar Buster’s Diet does not focus on exercise. This diet specifically targets your eating habits and it’s sole purpose is to cut out the sugar, reducing the insulin produced by the body.
The main idea of this diet is to eat a diet that contains a lot of high fiber vegetables, lean meats, seafood, whole grains and fruits. Your meats should be cooked in a healthy style, such as grilled, broiled or baked. You are expected to eat three meals a day, with healthy snacks throughout the day. Your healthy snacks consist of nuts, fruits or vegetables. You should eat your fruit snacks by themselves, they will digest better if eaten alone. Try to eat your fruit at least one hour before you are due to eat your next meal.
Certain foods are not to be eaten while you are on The Sugar Buster’s Diet; these are considered to be forbidden foods. The list for forbidden foods is:
White breads, Pasta that is not wheat pasta, white flour, white rice, corn, potatoes, jams, pineapple, raisins, ripe bananas, parsnips, beets, salad dressings with added sugar, honey, syrup, fruit drinks with added sugar, soft drinks, meats that are sugar cured and beer.
There is also a list for carbohydrates that are good carbohydrates while you are doing The Sugar Buster’s Diet. The list for good carbohydrates is:
Whole grains, whole grain flour, beans, vegetables which are not low carb, fruits which are not low carb and sweet potatoes.
The list for other recommended food while you are on The Sugar Buster’s Diet are:
Lean meats (no skin and trim fat off), seafood, nuts, eggs, low fat milk, low fat dairy products, olive oil, canola oil, flax seed, mayonnaise, and artificial sweeteners.
There is a list of foods that you can eat, that must only be eaten in moderation. To further support your diet and system towards your goal to achieve your desired weight, you should also take weight loss supplements like leptoconnect. This brand is trusted by a lot of consumers and it is very effective. The list for these foods is:
artificially sweetened soda, dark chocolate, caffeinated drinks, jams without added sugars, butter, regular cheese, cream and sugar free ice cream.
If you are looking for answers to any questions about The Sugar Buster’s Diet, or you are currently on it and would just like to find some support; There are web sites on the Internet which can be of help to you, some of them!/ This web site contains a lot of information about the diet itself, and also has a lot of resources geared toward The Sugar Buster’s Diet. And also check out: This forum has message boards regarding weight loss, many of the members are on The Sugar Buster’s Diet.