Neck liposuction is a procedure of this type of surgery on the neck which aims to remove fat from under the chin. This procedure is for those who are elderly so that this procedure aims to streamline their necks to more tight and solid.
Thus they will have the ideal shape neck back. This procedure also aims to minimize the appearance of a double chin or jaw. Neck liposuction will not necessarily eliminate the appearance of dimpled or bumpy skin. To remove that you also may need to lift neck contouring liposuction done in conjunction and Masri Clinic is a perfect place to get all this done. You can obtain a complete description of the details of the neck liposuction procedure from them.
Before and After Neck Liposuction
If the neck is too much fat then the neck skin will sag down. You may have to undergo surgery to remove the skin of your neck so that your neck will look taut and firm. That is just one of many cosmetic plastic surgery procedures for the additional neck.
Most individuals who are in physical and emotional health are good candidates for liposuction surgery. However, if you have a serious underlying disease such as cancer, or an underlying autoimmune disorder, then you may not qualify for this type of surgery.
After neck lift surgery
Most of the bruising and swelling will subside within three weeks. It is common to suffer from neck pain and burning experience, swelling, numbness, crusting, and bleeding. Plastic surgeons usually prescribe painkillers to help people through the pain of this procedure. During that time you will wear a compression band for several weeks after surgery to make sure that you keep your neck firmly.
If you have a form of tumescent liposuction performed on your neck, your face will look normal bloated or full for several weeks until your body dispenses with excess fluid that doctors had injected drugs to prevent infection.
You should see visible results of your surgery within two or three weeks, but the full effect may not be apparent for six months to a year. In general, you can expect that the more fat is removed, the longer time required for the desired results to completely clear.