When it comes to mairjuana and depression, there’s a lot of debate that surrounds the topic. Some folks will say that it can help people with depression to be able to remedy some of their problems caused by the illness whenever they smoke weed, while others will state that marijuana will only add to their problems. This post is about the effects of marijuana smoking to help those with depression.
If you’re depressed, you’ll know all about not having interest in many things and not really caring about life in general, somedays anyway. The days when you can’t be bothered doing nothing and can’t bring yourself to speak to anyone either.
With the consumption of cbd for pain, there is reduction in the smoking of weed. The strength of the people is boost with the intake of the cbd products. The correct information should be provided to the people to reduce the pain. The curing of the depression and anxiety is great to meet the desired results.
I certainly know first hand, what like it is to wake up in the morning and not even want to get out from under the duvet. That will probably sound scary for those who don’t have depression, but it is the truth of the illness as it will cause you to lose the will power to get through the day.
It’s due the effects of weed and it creating a natural high, where you feel better just by smoking it a bit, at least in the beginning, you’ll feel that it’s helping your depression.
The times when you begin to feel like your life has meaning again, you can socialize easier and you start to take interest in the things that are going on around you again. Creating a more positive outlook to life in general…
Then, the nightmare creeps up, without you realizing it…
After you’ve used it for a wee while, marijuana and depression start to become a twofold problem, where they coincide with each other and create an even stronger sense of depression.
Heightening your depression by smoking more joints, spending more money and all the time, feeling worse and worse the more it goes on. You end up in a never ending loop.
On top of that, once you start smoking weed more heavily/regularly, it starts to really affect your cognitive functions. Slowing down your thinking as well as your ability to carry out daily tasks. Such as housework etc.
Despite how bad you feel your depression has got, you can get your life back on track without smoking weed!
So marijuana and depression don’t need to go hand in hand and it’s not an effective coping mechanism for the effects of depression. It merely masks the real problem.
It’s never something that should be considered for even short term relief as it will eventually make matters worse. In the beginning it will give you the illusion of feeling better within yourself, but after pro-longed use of marijuana, depressive symptoms will eventually be heightened to the point where you really start to struggle. Even more than you were before smoking weed.
Naturally, you’ve got to want to do something to change your way of life. It is only you that can make the decisions to better your life, deal with lifes problems head on and put the steps in place to overcome the hurdles that can block your path to a cleaner life.
By quitting weed, you can make a start on the right path to better your life and you might even find that when you do stop smoking weed, that your depression is a little better too.
That’s because of the sense of achievement you’ll have by setting yourself a goal and following through on that. It’s self empowering. A lot of people have made the choice to break the chain reaction between marijuana and depression and go on to live happier and healthier lives and state that they’ve beaten the blues.
So would you like to quit smoking weed for the good of your health?
People who have smoked marijuana for years, often feel that it’s like reaching for the impossible to give up the habit of smoking weed. That doesn’t need to be the case. Depression is treatable, or at least manageable, without self medicating on dope.
When you do tackle the problem, you’ll find that life isn’t all as bad as you might be feeling. You don’t necessarily need to use marijuana rehab centers to quit weed either, as there’s self help techniques you can start applying today.
2 programs are available through WeedAddiction.Net that can assist you to stop smoking weed.
You can access the Mighty Oak Program Here and the “Quit Weed” self help program is available here. If you want to quit weed, I would recommend having a look at what the services offer and decide which is the best treatment option suited to you.
With the right support and information at your disposal, you will be able to stop smoking weed for good!