Category: Guide

Win at Clash Royale with these Tricks

Balance Your Deck

One of the most important tips for you to become a successful player in Clash Royale is to know how to strategically balance your deck. It is crucial to have balance of units when playing the game. Having a deck that is made entirely by fragile range fighters of ground-based melee is definitely not a wise strategy. If you have range of units in the game, You will be able to impose damage to your opponents, counter their attacks and have weapons that can destroy towers of your opponent. 

Know How to Pair Units

Apart from the balance of your deck, it will help you win battles if you strategically know how to pair units. Sending out units’ solo is absolutely not a wise strategy because they might just get clobbered by your opponent. You should send out pairs or combinations that when combined, can really make a strong pair. For instance, since giants take lots of damage from your opponent, it is wise to stick toe of them in front of a balloon in order to protect it until it reaches the tower.

Use Spells

Spells are also very crucial in the game. If you know how to use your spells properly, then you have high chances of winning a battle. The common benefits that you can get from using spells are boosting your troops during an attack or scupper advances on your side. You have to familiarize yourself to the different kinds of spells, so you’ll know how to use them properly. For example, Freeze is used if you want to stop the troops of your opponent for a few seconds. Zap is used if you want to stun elixir nukes of your enemies or other troops within its range for a second.

Play the game with Audio On

There are some benefits of playing Clash Royale with your audio on. While the game may not have the best sound effects but putting your headphones on will help you to be mindful and keen in the game. For instance, playing with audio on will let you know quickly if any of your towers have been destroyed or if your troops have destroyed the towers of opposition. It can also call your attention when units are plonked down. Hence, this is the reason why playing with audio on is included in the clash royale guides.

Know How To Distract Your Enemy

Lastly, you should know how to distract your opponent. This will allow you to easily destroy the towers of the opposition. For example, it is wise to drop a cheap unit towards the middle of the filed when there is a powerful unit heading towards one of the towers of the arena. This can distract your opponents attention, catching him off guard with no decision or action right on hand. Always keep in mind that being strategic could be your way to becoming a successful Clash Royale player. 

Bowling for Tolerance

Joining a bowling team typically is a normal, middle-class thing to do, but as the token straight man in a league filled with gay and lesbian bowlers, it became less of a sport for me and more of a weekly education in tolerance.

James, my best friend who also was a co-worker in the Information Technology department at my company, invited me to fill a vacancy on his team. The last time I had bowled in a league setting, however, was the summer before my freshman year of high school and I was concerned about my ability to compete after a 20-year hiatus from the sport.

I also had reservations about being the “odd man”, so to speak. During our long friendship, James and I only had one big fight about my attitude towards alternative lifestyles, an attitude that I didn’t know I possessed until he called it to my attention. He said I was stereotyping, thinking all gay men were “Nelly Queens” and called me homophobic. In retaliation, I told him I was fed up with his “heterophobia” and fear of the straight world. James and I later made peace about this, each one accepting and respecting the lifestyle choice of the other.

After voicing my sports and sexuality concerns, James took me to a local sporting goods outlet and, after parting with about $100 of my hard-earned money, I became the proud owner of a custom-drilled bowling ball engraved with my initials, a bag and a towel to wipe off the oil that bowling alleys use to condition the lanes. Though James and I had talked at length about the habits and customs of his friends, I wasn’t exactly prepared for the folks who were proud members of the “Monday Moaners,” the gay and lesbian league that took control of Carriage Bowl (and later Western Lanes) from 7-10 p.m. every Monday night.

Things that turned out were quite unexpected that night as nothing could have prepared me for this and I had butterflies in my stomach about facing the best players in the game that I had done research about at and therefore I had no choice but plunge into the picture and give my best.

On that first night, all my fears seemed unfounded. Except for a few flamboyant bowlers, the folks who showed up could easily have been members of my church congregation. There were no flashing neon signs screaming “Yeah, I’m Gay” above anyone’s head and no one was running around the alley wearing pink taffeta or feather boas.

Most players were dead serious bowlers, though. An older gentleman named Ran always brought a customized suitcase filled with balls for every situation, including a specially-drilled one that he called a “fingertip ball.” This one, he told me, was for converting a tricky split into a spare. I even spent one summer bowling on Ran’s team and it was there that I learned that he truly agonized over every pin and every frame.

Being the new guy in the league, there were, of course, a lot of questions asked about me, James told me later. A few of the single guys inquired about my dating status and were disappointed when James revealed that I was 100% straight. There were no hard feelings about my orientation, though, since we were all there to bowl. The only real complaints came when my league average for that first night was a less-than-impressive 70 pins.

Over time, I did become a better bowler, but the team’s dynamic changed. James left the league over a disagreement with our team captain, which I thought would also end my association with the league, but the captain assured me that I was always welcome. New members joined us, some of whom were incredibly gifted bowlers and made us serious contenders for the first place trophy. At the start of one season, though, all my teammates abandoned me to bowl with their friends, leaving me floundering for a few weeks before I found a slot on another team. Loyalty, it seems, is a fleeting thing in the world of gay bowling.

At first, I kept to myself and listened to the stories my teammates would tell about their lives. To my heterosexual ears, some of these tales seemed scandalous, especially our team captain’s thrilling account of his dalliance with the bellman at a vacation resort. It seemed that the entire league was preoccupied with sex, especially various bowlers who hooked up during the games and shared a bed later that night.

That’s not to say that I didn’t fall in love myself, especially since there were a lot of attractive ladies in the league. One evening, Kim, who everyone simply called “K.Y.”, was shocked to learn that I was heterosexual and spent the rest of the night kissing me square on the mouth after each of her strikes and spares. That turned out to be a one-night fling for Kim, though, since she was devoted to her life partner Carla. I was more than just a little heart-broken, though.

I soon learned that several bowlers were HIV-positive or had full-blown AIDS. One friend who used prescription drugs to control the virus in his blood showed me how his hands swelled in reaction to a new blood pressure treatment prescribed by his physician. Kim also recited a disturbing list of ailments and cancers that she had battled for years.

One teammate even routinely took a break between the second and third games to go out to his truck and smoke marijuana to relieve his pain. Other friends and acquaintances suffered from what are called “opportunistic infections,” which can take months to recover from. Some good friends never returned after our summer break, having quietly let go of life before the league started up again in the fall.

After changing teams and teammates many times over a 7-year period, most people simply assumed I was gay, especially since I returned to the league like clockwork every September. At that point in my bowling career, it became easier to maintain an illusion of homosexuality than to keep reminding them that I was straight. I was just one of the boys and that was fine with me; I looked forward to hanging out with them on Monday nights after work.

In a league such as ours, however, there was little chance of me finding someone to date seriously, so I made a tough decision in the summer of 2004 not to rejoin the league. I wanted a girlfriend and, if things worked out, a wife, something I probably would not find on Monday evenings at Western Lanes.

Looking back on those days, I can see that my heart and tolerance grew a lot more than my bowling average. When listening to my friends and teammates complain about their relationships, I realized that their gripes were the same as mine with the exception of the genders involved. Straight and gay couples deal with issues in pretty much the same way; we’re all human beings after all and we all suffer from the human condition.

I do miss my bowling buddies, but this token straight man needed to spare himself some grief and strike out on his own.

Beauty Product Review: Maybe Baby Perfume for Women by Benefit Cosmetics

When I come across perfume that is pink in color, it usually tells me that the perfume is going to smell floral. I always pray the floral note is not rose, because rose perfume tends to smell old fashioned to me.

When my mom came home with a bottle of Maybe Baby perfume for women, I was excited to give it a test to see if I liked it or not.

Maybe Baby comes in a cute bottle; although simple, I found it to be beautiful. It comes in a bottle that is shaped like a stretched out bulb…when I look at it though, I see a pregnant woman’s stomach, ironic seeing how the name of the perfume, matches my thoughts on the bottle. Baby!

I already had high hopes for Maybe Baby; before I even sampled it.


I sprayed 2 squirts of Maybe Baby on both of my wrists. Do not rub together, I was actually told that when you rub perfume into your skin it breaks up the chemical that holds the scent. Rubbing will not allow the perfume to last long. Just a tip I thought I’d throw in.

I wasn’t expecting it to emanate a fragrance of something like Eclatant when I sprayed it but still, it gave me an opportunity to test its scent although rubbing it constantly made my wrists become red after sometime.

Anyhow, my world was greeted with a lovely, lovely scent of flowers. Thank God, no rose. I was able to clearly detect Lillie’s. I loved it. It had a very playful and flirtatious kick to it, which in my opinion would make best for spring and summer wear.


I liked Maybe Baby a lot, and I hoped Maybe Baby liked me too; enough to stick around for the day. Sadly, Maybe Baby has little to no last at all when sprayed directly on skin. I did however get about an hour of lasting scent when I sprayed Maybe Baby directly on clothing. Spritzing a bit of it in your hair will also leave a lasting impression.

Pricing and Availability:

I have come across Maybe Baby online for semi low prices. You can pick up a bottle of it ranging in prices from $30.00 to $50.00. With a bit of hunt and pecking, you could google this perfume for even lower prices, I am sure. Ebay is also a good source to check, although I cannot highly recommend ebay, because some sellers are selling knock-off designer fragrances for low prices. You never know if what you are buying is the real deal, or if it is a fake. SO BE WARY, always read a seller feedback!


Maybe Baby is priced decently. I would recommend it, only because it does have some last, so long as you are spraying it where I mentioned. It is such a girly floral scent. It is a sure pleaser to nearly everyone who tries it.

Ways To Get Ready When Bringing Home a New Dog

Did you and your family just adopt a new dog or thinking about adopting a new dog? If so then here are some tips you should know before bring home your new dog to make him feel the most comfortable when he arrives to his new and loving home!

First thing, make sure you have bought everything necessary to simply take care of your new dog. Your going to need a food and water dish, and maybe a dog placemat to catch all this little spills. Your also going to need a leach, a collar, a name tag with your family’s hone number, and of course, everyone’s favorite, the pooper scooper! Buying a few new special toys may also help comfort you new dog at his new home with his new family. He is also is going to need a place to sleep. Even if you plan on letting him eventually roam from room to room and letting him sleep where he feels that most comfortable, he will take comfort if you teach him one specific place that is “his spot” so he knows exactly what you want for now. Almost all dogs thrive on knowing what their owner want from them and where the boundaries are. That way they know exactly what is expected of them and they will know how to please their master. Now, although you certainly can go out and buy a dog bed, a clean warm blanket will also work just as well as a dog bed.

Make sure before bringing your new dog home you have set boundaries around the yard where he will be allowed to play and go to the bathroom. Then when you bring home your new dog hook him up to his leach, hold him close (within just a few feet of yourself) and walk him around the boundaries of the yard a few times. Do this at least twice a day for the first couple of weeks to help him learn where his outside territory is. Of course, you may want to set up boundaries for inside as well. This is usually best done by just keeping “off limits” room doors closed. What about your furniture? Will your dog be allowed to sit and sleep on the couches or will that be off limits? A good way to train new dogs that couches and chairs are off limits is, of course not letting them jump up on them in front of you, but what about when you are gone? How can you be sure they stay off then? One handy way to make sure they stay off is to buy office chair plastic carpets (you know, the ones with the little plastic “spikes” to keep the plastic carpet attached to the carpeted floor) and turn those upside down and lay them flat on the furniture. That makes it uncomfortable enough that your new puppy dog will want no part in sitting on them, without hurting him. Just make sure everyone is clear on theses boundaries before bringing home the new addition to the family. That way there will be no confusion for anyone when the new dog is brought home.

No table Scraps! Of course, this is a rule ultimately left to the master(s) of the household; but just remember that even if you do it just a few times in the beginning your dog will always try for more scraps from everyone with food all the time, including visitors. Although you can eventually train this behavior out of them it can be very difficult and take a long time so it’s best not to even start. Most importantly, dogs have different digestive systems than humans do so they don’t respond to food in the same way that we do. What does us good can do them harm so it’s best to not even take that chance.

Decide before bringing home your dog who is going to be the main trainer. Meaning that although everyone should enforce good behavior, there should be only one or at most, two people doing the actual trick and command training. Anymore than two people and it can get too confusing because people naturally have different ways of talking and enforcing, you don’t want to confuse your dog when trying to train him. You don’t have to worry because there are several online content where you can get helpful tips on how to train your dog properly. You just have to choose a reliable sources. To help you out, you can browse around this website.

Now there are many different things to talk about and prepare before bringing home a new addition to any family, hopefully theses tips have helped. Now, if I can leave you the one most important tip before bringing home your new dog, be ready with lots and lots of love! Believe me, you will be getting more back than you can imagine!

The Bavarian Mountain Dog Breed

The Bavarian Mountain Dog is a breed of dog known for its skills in overcoming large patches of terrain in Bavaria. Being from German, this dog is one of the most popular breeds for German hunters and has a great sense of smell to track down any prey that might be afoot. These mountain dogs are most popular in Germany, meaning they are rarely heard of anywhere else in the world.


These dogs have been known to be n Germany since the late 6th century. Used by farmers to help herd their cattle and flocks, Bavarian Mountain dogs also were strong enough to uphold small carts and drag them to a horse to be attached. They were also used by royalty for hunting purposes, to which they would track down pheasant and other game for their hunter masters. Today, they still have this purpose as well as being a friendly noble companion.


With soft short fur and a usually tanned coloring, these hounds have a typical floppy eared look of their dog type. They have black around their short muzzles and droopy tired looking eyes. They are quite muscular for their medium size and can weigh up to fifty pounds. Their tails hang down low to the ground unless they are excited and their legs are sturdy and long. Their chest is well developed and exudes the strength they have used for centuries.


Being courageous is one of the traits this dog shares with other hound dogs. They have this trait because of their fearless actions when it comes to hunting and tracking prey down. They are quite agile since their legs are long, a difference from the French Bassets. They are loyal and are always ready to please their master with whatever they bring back to them. As a companion dog, they enjoy the company of their family and children and always need to be in the same room with them.

Grooming and Health

Grooming is a snap since their coat is so short, they need to be groomed at least once a month to stop the little shedding they can produce. Health wise they can live as long as fourteen years and needs plenty of exercise. This dog is not suited for the city, and needs to live in a rural area with plenty of space to run freely. This will stop a lot of joint problems he can get in his senior years.

To learn more about this breed of dog, their behaviors, the proper ways of taking good care of them, things you should do, things you should not do and even the food they are allowed to eat, you can click site for more information.

Bavarian Mountain dogs are a dog most often seen in Germany for hunting reasons. Although they are a great pet, they need a big space so they can feel as if they are home in the wild.