Buzz Off Getting Rid Of Those Flying Pests- How To Get Rid Off?
Wasps and hornets can be annoying pests. You can discourage them from setting up shop by getting rid of garbage outside, but sooner or later you’re likely to find one around your home. Removing them can be easy, but there’s always the danger of being attacked by bees. One of the simplest ways is by using insecticides. Stores like Lowe’s in Marquette offer a wide variety of products.
Permakill Exterminating will offer the best services to the people. The killing or removing of the pests from house is possible with the skills and intelligence. You should know about the methods that the company is going to use for the removing of buds.
“Almost all these products, no matter who makes them, are formulated for that instant kill. You want to knock that wasp or bee down and make sure that it’s dead quickly so that it doesn’t have a chance to sting you,” said Jon Siltala, Lawn and Garden Department Manager.
If you have a nest that’s far out of reach, like near your roof, then look for products that can spray that distance. Some insecticides can spray as far as 27 feet. There are also a bunch of other ways to be creative with what you have.
On Facebook, Angela Elizabeth said, “My dad found some wasp nests in our backyard once. He filled up my super soaker with bleach and soaked the thing. Not sure if that was a good idea or not.”
Bob Heyd of the Department of Natural Resources told about one successful method he and his wife used when they found a wasp nest under their deck.
“She just set up our Shop-Vac, turned it on right at the entrance, and every time bees came and went, they got sucked into the Shop-Vac. Then she just sprayed a little insecticide in the Shop-Vac, and that took care of them,’ said Heyd.
No matter your weapon of choice, Heyd urges caution, and a word of advice.
“One of the things you don’t want to do is try to do something during the daytime. All these bees, wasps, and hornets are active during the day, but not the night. If you do it during the daytime, they’ll be coming and going to the entrance to the nest, and you’ll get in trouble,”
According to Heyd, wasp and hornet nests are annual and will be gone by the late fall. So if the nest isn’t a real problem, you can wait it out and it will go away on its own. He also strongly urged not getting on a ladder to attack a high nest. If the bees attack, you can easily fall and hurt yourself.
Another methods of removing a nest that came up in our conversation was if a nest is on a tree limb, place a large bag around it and the branch, tie up the bag trapping the bees inside, and then cut off the entire branch and place it in a freezer or in the hot sun. Either should kill the bees in a few days.
Many others have suggested other methods on our TV6 and FOX UP Facebook Page, not all of which involve killing the bees.
In the event of a bee sting, Heyd said to never pull out the stinger. That would only push more poison into your body. Rather, gently scrape the stinger away until it exits the body.