Category: Attroney

Lemon Law Lawyers And What They Do

Normally, when we buy a vehicle, we expect that it will function well and provide us with a reliable and safe transportation. However, there are some instances where the vehicle that we purchased is not working well or that there is a manufacturing defect. As a consumer, we may feel victimized by the dealership where we bought the unit. Also, as a customer, we have the right to get what our money’s worth. Hence, when there are any issues with the car that we purchased, we know that we deserve a warranty.

Basically, the process is, when you found a manufacturing effect on the car that you purchase, the first step that you need to do is to let the manufacturer or the dealer to repair the unit. However, if multiple repairs have been conducted and the problem or the issue is not yet solved, the next thing you need to do is to file a legal action necessary. To do that, you will need to hire a lemon law attorney. He or she will sit down with you and discuss when it is necessary to pursue a claim under your state’s lemon laws. Generally, all fifty states in America have laws that address the things that need to be done or conducted when a customer buys a car and discovers that it has manufacture defects.

State lemon laws will also dictate the number of times failed attempts is needed before moving forward to the litigation. Lemon laws also define the type of lemon car and it also require the manufacturer of the vehicle to provide a partial or total refund. Most of the time, the dealership tries to convince the consumer that lemon laws will only apply to late and new model cars. As a customer, it is crucial that you understand the specific of the lemon laws in your state. You should hire an attorney who has a strong background in this field so you will be guided accordingly. After deciding that you want to pursue your claim under the lemon law of your state, the statues will be the one to dictate the kind of recovery that is applicable for you.

As stated earlier, it is important to hire a reliable and experienced lemon laws attorney. This is because there re instances where customers are duped by a dealership stating that it is very attempting to investigate and resolve the issue. Sadly, some customers have had to cover their own cost of repair and they ended up agreeing to unfavorable trading terms.

Lemon laws attorneys will help you avoid these instances and help you in pursuing to the litigation. Lemon law lawyers & attorneys will be your guide in turning the odds to your favor. But you also have to be careful when choosing an attorney. You have to make sure that you consider a lot of factors and that you have done your research carefully so you can choose the best and right lawyer who can help you deal with everything necessary in the case. 

Car Accident Doctors Orange County, CA

This is a reply to a previous blog question to illustrate the truth about low damage auto collisions. This information may be used by auto accident victims representing themselves or his/her attorney trying to negotiate a settlement. Lastly, it can be helpful to remind doctors treating these cases, to take them seriously and rather than just disregard chronic complaints after a low speed auto crash, to investigate further.

Sorry to hear of your troubles. It’s a common one. A big problem is that accident victims’ attorneys and doctors do not understand the scope and severity of injuries from low-speed collision so they discount them. That only emboldens the insurance co’s further. Her’s the proof of their deceit; I have many cases that involve completely destroyed vehicles and the insurance co’s still say the patient can’t be hurt that bad… They will fight over every accident, low impact or not. It’s up to the attorneys and doctors to fight for the patient and not accept less.

Right off the bat, I can tell you, you had several “accident intensifiers” at the time of the collision that make a seemingly “low impact” collision cause more severe bodily injury:

  • Female occupant: smaller, thinner joint cartilage increases risk of initial damage, while women statistically have longer periods of treatment and increased risk of long-term pain, headaches, nausea, numbness and tingling compared to men
  • Head restraint position: the vast majority of people do not have their head restraint positioned properly because it was not manufactured correctly.
  • Surprised: if you did not brace by sticking both arms out hard on steering wheel and plant both feet hard to the floor and on your brakes then you stand a 15X greater chance of injury

Has your doctor shown you your x-rays? Is your neck curve straightened? Did he/she do bending films and show any signs of abnormal slippage of the bones due to torn ligaments? These are a few things to look into.

Important to remember: “Low vehicle damage” does NOT mean “low impact.” Vehicle damage means nothing. Unfortunately your attorney may have bought into the “no crash no cash’ position successfully perpetrated on all of us by the insurance co’s. No scientific paper has found a link between the two. But many studies have proven the opposite. Most injuries occur at relatively low speeds <12 mph. Some cars can be crashed at 20 mph and not show any signs of damage while the majority of cars require impacts of 10 mph+ to show damage. BUT the human threshold for injury is only 2.5 mph. A crash of only 10mph is 4X the threshold for injury!

If you haven’t already done so, go sign up for my free online video seminar: The Truth About Whiplash or at Sounds like your attorney might also want to check it out. It’s based on info I have lectured to doctors and attorneys from oakwood legal group lip specializing in auto crash cases.