Author: RosioC

Fannie Leclair a prominent critic, and an avid reader. She has been a game critic for 5 years. Her work is not only captivating but well structured around opinion and facts.

Weight Loss Secrets

Losing weight is something that seems to be on the minds of many people these days. We have found some weight loss secrets that may get you thinking about how you approach your day. You may have heard about diet pills that help you lose weight while you sleep, or short term diets that will make the fat melt right off. The truth is that you cannot get something for nothing and that old saying “when it seems like it’s too good to be true‚Ķ” never rang as true as it does for losing weight.

So what kind of weight loss secrets is there? Some of the weight loss secrets will change the way you approach your day in small ways that individually do not seem to matter all that much. However, when you put all of them together over the course of a day, a month, or even a year, you will see some very significant results.

An example of a great weight loss secret that may seem so obvious that you will wonder why we even call it a secret is: Walk While You Talk. It is a simple strategy. When your phone rings, stand up as you answer it and pace around the room, the house or the office. We spend a lot of time on our cell phones or on calls to friends and family; if you think about it, most of the time we are seated while talking. If we walked around each time we were on the phone and made it a habit, imagine the extra calories we would burn just by doing something we would have done anyway. Since we move while we get other things done, this sort of sneaky exercise does not even take away from our day.

Another weight loss secret is to Add Spice to Your Life! Put a little zip into your breakfast, a bit of zing into your lunch and watch as the spices help heat up your taste buds and your body’s metabolism. What is the real secret here? You will eat spicy foods slower than non-spicy foods. It takes a little bit of time for your stomach to tell your brain when it is eating and when it is full. The speed in which we typically eat does not give our body the time it needs to send the right messages around, so we tend to overeat. The addition of spice to our foods slows us down, gets our body back in sync with itself, and gives a little kick to our metabolism as well.

A third weight loss secret you could try is: Water, Water Everywhere. Get yourself a good recyclable water bottle and take it with you everywhere you go. Make sure you keep it filled and drink constantly. Most people these days are walking around in a constant state of dehydration which does not allow the body to metabolize the way it needs to, thus making it harder for us to burn calories and lose weight. Water also helps to fill the belly which makes us less likely to snack on that cheesecake.

Lastly, it is also important that you take dietary supplements so you’ll have a support system in losing weight. There are several brands that you can find in the market. One of those is leptoconnect. This is one of the trusted brands that can help you achieve your body goals. 

See? This sort of weight loss secret is the kind that works and they are free. Combine these with a regular healthy diet with plenty of water and exercise, and these small changes in our day-to-day lives can assist us in getting the weight off and helping it stay off.

Weight Loss Success Eating Fat

Through my adult life, I have struggled with weight problems, and with finding ways to regain control of my weight. My gradual weight gain started when I left school and settled into a 9 to 5 work schedule, and I could never quite understand why I was gaining so much weight. I did not change my eating habits, and I stayed very active, more physically active than most people, yet I could not stop my weight from steadily going up. Frustrated, I have tried many different weight loss approaches, from low fat diets, to calorie counting and even going vegan for a period. None of them worked, the more I exercise, the more food I seem to crave, calorie restriction leaves me feeling like I have no energy and I constantly have to battle my own strong urges to eat more food.

While all these different diets failed, I grew more and more frustrated with my own lack of self discipline and willpower, something that puzzled me a great deal since in most other aspects of my life, my self discipline and willpower are very strong. I was wondering why my body and mind felt so terrible if I was trying to eat healthy, and could not understand why my body was craving more, when I supposedly was giving it the best possible foods already.

The turning point in my long history of diet failures came from a newspaper article about an extraordinary man that had lost 100 pounds while eating nothing but meat and oils. As I read his story, I recognized many of the same patterns that I had experienced in my own weight battle and I was inspired to read more about his theories and method. The man was Sven Sture Skaldman, a Swedish writer who had just released his personal journey of defying all conventional nutritional wisdom, and in the process regained his health.

The basic theory behind his weight loss was a low carb diet, but having never heard of that philosophy, I was stunned and shocked when I read what kind of meals he recommended. Eggs, bacon, steak, as much as you want, covered in as much butter as you can handle. All the foods that I secretly loved, and always felt that I should not eat. Not only were they allowed on Skaldmans diet plan, they were encouraged!

According to the theory, people of Scandinavian decent like myself, are particularly well suited to convert fat in the food to body heat, compelling stories about the typical Inuit diet of nothing but seal meat, and firm rebuttals of most of the things you hear about the dangers of eating fat had me convinced. I would give the diet a shot.

As I started the diet, midway through the first day, I got a terrible headache. The kind of headaches I had gotten before when I hadn’t eaten in too long and my blood sugar level fell too low. A couple of days later, I felt like I had gotten a pretty harsh flu, and my stomach started acting up something awful. Had I not discovered a very helpful website with low carb information, I would certainly have ditched the diet after such a disastrous start. Reading that the symptoms I had were normal reactions when switching the body from running on sugar to burning fat for energy made it easier to stick with the plan. That the food I was eating was very satisfying and I never had to go hungry was also a big help, but most of all, seeing that I had lost 8 pounds in the first week made me start to wonder if the absurd notion that eating as much fat as you can will make you lose weight was true.

As I get better at understanding my own body and how it reacts to different foods, I find it easier and easier to lose weight and stay happy on my diet. When I first started out, I ended up eating bacon and eggs or an omelet for virtually every meal. Of course, I grew tiered of eggs and bacon under such overexposure. At a point, I started skipping meals because I did not want to eat eggs. The way out of the food rut, was once again through the experiences of other low carb dieters on the internet. As I read more about what nutrients are in foods, I started to gain a better understanding of how I could expand what I ate, and still keep to the effective diet I was on. I started adding some vegetables carefully, eventually starting to eat home made salads for many meals, salads that are more than a little heavy on cheese cubes, salami, bacon bits, hard boiled eggs, olives, avocados and more, and always with plenty of oil based dressing. Adding different foods made the diet a lot easier as I was getting fed up of all my meals being fried, and always seeming to include fried eggs in some form.

As I expanded my awareness of food, I started adding more fish and certain vegetables to my diet, using low carb principles I’ve been able to eat more varied than ever before, the few foods I miss are well worth the extraordinary benefits I’ve experienced, including losing over 30 pounds as well as many other positive affects on my health. The best part is I am doing it all without having to ever go hungry or feel guilty about wanting to eat. By replacing sugar as my main source of energy by fat, I am well on my way to regain a normal weight.

To support your diet, it is advisable to take weight loss supplement. Products like leptoconnect will help you to sustain your diet. This is also made from natural ingredients so you don’t have to worry about is effects on your body.

As it turns out, the low carb principles are not without controversy, and some suggest that not eating carbs is unhealthy. I have no medical credentials, but I go by my own personal experiences when I say that a low carb diet is the right diet for me. I believe that the positive health benefits I am experiencing, the effortless weight loss and my overall feeling of great wellbeing, is a lot healthier than the desperate hunger strikes I have attempted earlier. For me, low carb is the way I want to live.

Possible ways to vent a Portable Air Conditioner without a window

Portable air conditioners are the systems that are helpful in cooling down any room in your house or business. These ACs are similar to window air conditioning units as both are self-contained systems created to cool a room. Both systems require ventilation to work efficiently. The biggest advantage of portable air conditioners is that they can be used in a room with or without windows. There is no doubt that windows are important to deal with the exhaust air released from the systems, but there can be ways to ventilate the portable ACs without windows. To know more about air conditioning units, you can check out the blaux portable ac reviews.

Venting a portable air conditioner in your home can be done through various ways which are as follows:

  • Through a door

The portable air conditioners are designed in a way that warm air needs to go somewhere, which is ideally outdoors. It totally depends on where the unit is installed as if it is a living room, which is in the middle of the home, and then door ventilation isn’t an option. The best way to vent a portable air conditioner is through a door with sliding doors. Some ACs has kits built for a sliding door especially that allows venting the hot air outdoors.  

  • Through the ceiling

Another option for venting a portable air conditioner is through the ceiling. If you have drop ceilings in your room or house, then a portable AC unit can be used. You can arrange an exhaust vent to go with the drop ceiling tile, but it causes trouble sometimes. Getting a ceiling vent kit is the best suitable option. Running a portable air conditioner vent through the ceiling is a good option and is easy to install. All you need to do is make a hole in the ceiling and ensure that the hole is of accurate size and is neat. Move the tube through the hole, which is created in the ceiling and add a sealant to keep the pipe firmly.

  • Through a wall

The last option for sending the hot exhaust air from your air conditioning unit is most drastic. This option is installing a vent in the way of your home or business, which is also a permanent solution for the portable air conditioning systems. Venting through a wall can be done by the home itself, or you can hire a professional. But before this, you need to think if you are okay with putting a hole in the wall of your room. Cutting a whole can be easy, and all you need is plumbing, wiring, and studs. You also need to consider the things that are outside the wall.


No doubt, portable conditioning systems are great and a perfect solution for cooling your home or business. If you don’t have any window for ventilating the hot exhaust air out, then there are some amazing options mentioned above. You can know them thoroughly and can vent your portable air conditioners through any of them.

Eating Well for Optimum Health and Weight Loss

Weight loss has proven to be the hardest battle women will ever have to undertake in there lives. We live each day counting the calories in the small, tasteless portions of food we consume. While endlessly counting the minutes in between breakfast and lunch. Our grumbling tummies telling us we want to eat, we need to eat. We live out our days focused on having our small portion of cereal and juice in the mornings and forcing down the Lean Cuisine meal at lunchtime. While craving a cheeseburger and fries every moment, but knowing we shouldn’t have it. Sometimes we get lucky and stick to this starvation diet plan for a few days and lose a couple of pounds. But then we revert right back to our old way of eating, which now is even worse since we’ve denied ourselves for a few days. And not surprisingly, we gain it all right back, plus more. Since we stuff our stomachs with all those cheeseburgers, fries, chocolate cake and sodas we’ve been denied. It’s an endless, vicious cycle that never ends. But dieting really doesn’t have to be this circle we’ve been traveling around forever. Not if we use our heads and make some wise and informed choices when choosing what to eat everyday.

We first need to realize that starvation diets don’t work. Especially if your body has gotten use to being stuffed full of food every single day. You’re body will realize when it’s being deprived and it will go into starvation mode. Meaning it hordes every single calorie you consume, making it extremely difficult, if not impossible to lose weight. The sensible way to lose weight is by making wise and informed food choices. Skipping breakfast is also never the answer to losing weight. This can slow your metabolism and cause your body to store excess fat and lead you to eat more throughout the day. You should always make the most of everyday by starting it out with a healthy, substantial breakfast consisting of whole grains and lean proteins.

Some quick and healthy options would be whole grain waffles with a small amount of maple syrup and orange juice. Or, 3 egg whites scrambled with a small amount of reduced fat cheese and sliced scallions. A slice of whole grain toast and 1 cup of orange juice. Or make your own low fat and calorie sausage mcmuffin by adding a Morningstar sausage patty and a slice of low fat cheese to a Light Fiber One English Muffin. Cereals are also excellent breakfast foods when trying to lose weight. Just make sure that it’s low fat and high fiber like Fiber One with 1 cup of no fat milk and 2 cups of fruit slices. Always strive for at least 1 serving of fruit in the mornings and you might also want to consider adding a multivitamin to your daily routine for optimal health benefits. You may also consider adding lose weight and dietary supplements for your general diet. One of the best products that you can buy is leptoconnect. To help you get to know more about this brand, check these leptoconnect real reviews.

Adding water rich foods to your diet can also help you lose that extra weight. Almost all veggies will fit this bill, just make sure and include them in your daily lunch menu everyday. Some healthy examples of these foods would be 3 ounces of canned tuna packed in water, 2 tablespoons light mayo and 1 teaspoon of pickle relish on whole grain bread with lettuce and tomato. Or; 2 cups baby spinach, 2/3 cups of chick peas, 3 ounces of light tuna in water, 6 cherry tomatoes and 2 teaspoons of a light vinaigrette dressing. For the optimum health benefits drizzle your daily veggies or pasta with 2 teaspoons of healthy oils everyday for an added dose of vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Sushi is also a delicious, water rich food to add to your diet. Of course the best part of your new way of eating, besides the health benefits; are the deserts and snacks you can eat without feeling guilty.

With this new eating plan you can indulge in the treat and leave the guilt behind choosing foods that are low in fat and calories. Satisfy your sweet tooth with low calorie, portion controlled selections like low fat muffins, dried fruits, delicious or ice cold fruit bars. For those with a chronic sweet tooth there’s Hostess 100 calorie snack packs in a variety of different flavors. Raisins and sorbets are also very good snack choices. You could also consider good for you foods like fat free yogurts, fresh fruits or fruit salads, baked tortilla chips with salsa or air popped popcorn. These are all excellent, healthy options for snacking. On your new healthy eating plan its ok to snack through out the day if you make sure the foods you choose are low in fat and calories. Eating well and healthy doesn’t have to break the bank or make you feel deprived. As long as you choose delicious, vitamin rich, healthy foods which will satisfy your hunger while helping you to take off the extra weight.

July 4th on Lake Minnetonka

Since living in the US, July 4th has become one of my favorite holidays. I love the atmosphere, the camaraderie (which, as a Brit, both amuses and delights me to be a part of), and the firecracker celebrations that you can fp3 online kaufen. I first experienced the Independence Day celebrations over the Charles River in Boston in 1993. Now I am treated with the parties of Lake Minnetonka each year. Below are my 3 highlights from 2010 which I am excited to revisit this year.

  1. The Firecracker Run (10K), Excelsior, MN.

My first 10K since returning to running a few months earlier. In fact, it was my first race ever in the US. Although I tried to treat it as a simple training run in preparation for my August half-marathon, the nerves still got the better of me and kept me awake the night before! It was the perfect race to re-start my running craze though – a small, local affair; a beautiful course and enough of a crowd to keep up the motivation. Although being July 4th, the weather conditions were not ideal for running – we began in rain and finished in high heat and humidity. My target was to finish the race in under 1 hour – a chip time of 57:11 left me comfortably inside that. I was all pumped up ready to begin the July 4th celebrations on a high!

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  1. The kids’ red, white, and blue bike parade.

Many children, my own included, like to parade their bikes, spruced up with red, white, and blue to honor this special day. I met my family as I traveled back from the race. Proudly wearing my newly earned race shirt, still pink-faced, with achy legs, high on endorphins. Their enthusiasm and excitement paralleled my own as they set off (at speed) with their friends and neighbors to parade their creations past local residents who obligingly cheered as they cycled by. The cheers were as enthusiastic on the fifth lap as they had been on the first! Now we were all pumped up ready to bring on the fireworks!

  1. Excelsior Firecracker display.

Following a traditional Minnesota grill gathering with friends, we loaded two families onto the boat. Each one of us as excited as the next for our first experience of the firework display from the water. Sharing drinks and appetizers, we gently made our way over to a suitable spot to anchor up in anticipation of the show. We watched and waited as other boats gradually made their way over, filling the bay with families, party-goers, couples; anyone who wanted to share this moment from the lake. Occasional mini-displays nearby whet the appetite prior to the main event. Around 10 pm, The Excelsior Commons fireworks began and the sky really began to sparkle. The calm waters lit up with each explosion treating revelers to a 360-degree display culminating in a mass of color and bangs. The lake sprang back into life as the hundreds of boats left the bay, their occupants enjoying the balmy evening and a night-cap as they journeyed back to the empty docks. The children cuddled up under hoodies and blankets, snuggled into the warmth of their parents as their eyelids grew heavier, drawing a close to the drama of July 4th, 2010.